Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Designed Nutrition for Your Personal Needs

Have you read about certain vitamins or minerals that are good for you but are confused because “what’s good for you” changes all the time? Are you carrying around grocery bags full of vitamins but unsure if they are working for you? I understand your confusion and want to help. I can help you with a personalized health and nutrition program. This program will be custom designed for you.

The whole food vitamin supplements that I use in my office are nature’s own medicine whose purpose is to give your body the nourishment it needs not only to function optimally but also to help your repair and rebuild itself. The body is a self healing organism and is designed to be well! Wellness is our natural state.

How do I know what your body needs? I use a detailed health history form plus I do a comprehensive health exam that incorporates the body’s own neurological reflexes to help me identify your body’s health priorities and needs. These reflexes convey information on energy flow and vitality (or lack) for every organ and function of the body. I am not looking for diseases but functional imbalances that are preventing you from feeling good.

With the information learned from the health exam, I am able to make detailed and specific nutritional recommendations for you. This eliminates confusion surrounding what supplements you should take. I may also ask you to keep a food diary because even the best nutritional program can be derailed with a poor diet.

It’s important to distinguish between “over the counter” vitamins and whole food vitamins. “Over the counter” vitamins are synthetic, dead chemicals created in a lab and are only fractions of the vitamin. Vitamins are living complexes that contain cofactors, enzymes, phytonutrients and mineral activators in them that allow the body to process and use them. Because “over the counter” vitamins are only fractions of vitamins, they lack these synergistic components. Since your body can’t process the fractionated vitamin without the synergistic components, your body has to supply them. This can result in further depleting your body and essentially robbing it of what it needs to function.

It’s important to remember that the body is dynamic and ever changing. Also, as the body is increasingly nourished with improved function, your body’s needs may change. Therefore, it is important to be monitored on a regular basis.

Some suggested reading material for you include

Why Do I Need Whole Food Supplements and

Going Back to the Basics of Human Health.

I have them in my office if you’d like to look at them.

I’d love to help you regain control over your health and feel good about the vitamins and

minerals you are taking. Call the office at 919.845.3280 for more information. Be Well!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Soy is NOT a Health Food!

You may have read about my health journey in previous posts. I continue with that theme as I discuss soy foods today. I was a vegetarian for 13 years and relied heavily on soy foods regularly during that time. I read in all of the health magazines that soy was healthy and the more the better! However, since becoming a health professional, I have learned that soy is not a health food and should be avoided by women, men and children.

Modern process soy has been demonstrated by numerous studies to not only cause thyroid dysfunction, digestive irritation, nutritional deficiencies, reproductive disorders but even heart disease and cancer. Soy blocks the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc. These foundational minerals are vital to a healthy body.

Soy estrogens, also known as isoflavones were once touted as a miracle food, especially for menopausal women. But isoflavones have repeatedly been demonstrated to depress thyroid function. As little as 38 mg of isoflavones daily (less then one cup of soymilk) can result in hypothyroidism. Symptoms of depressed thyroid function include fatigue, constipation, weight gain and brain fog. Since some food manufacturers make a great profit on the sale of soy milk than dairy milk, it’s no wonder why this information isn’t readily available.

May of the commonly available soy products available today contain soy protein isolate (SPI). This product is produced at very high temperatures using a variety of chemicals, including hexane, a toxic, petroleum derivative. SPI has not been granted “Generally Recognized as Safe” status by the FDA. In addition to the chemical used to extract soybean oil and protein, many toxic substances are formed including nitrates and lysinonalanine (both of which are carcinogenic) aluminum, fluoride compounds, and MSG, which is a neurotoxin.

SPI is the key ingredient in soy infant formula. Infants consuming soy fomula have been found to have pancreatic distress and digestive damage. As those children aged, soy formula consumption has been linked to premature sexual development in girls, twice the risk of developing diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease, more reproductive difficulties and asthma as adults. The real kicker is that because of the high isoflavone content in soy formula, the average intake of soy formula results in infants receiving the equivalent of 5 birth control pills per day.

Lastly, 90% of the soybeans grown in the United States are genetically modified. Seeds that are genetically modified have viruses injected into them by scientists. Currently the long term effects of this alteration of natural food is unknown. The US population is part of a large science experiment.

One does not have to be consuming soy milk or soy burgers to be exposed to soy. Soybean oil is one of the more common oils used for food production today. You’ll find it in nearly all packaged food products. Worse yet is when the oil is hydrogenated.

My intention with this information is not to alarm you but to provide food for thought (pun intended!). I consumed soy for years before I realized it’s damaging effects. You can make changes too!

More information on soy can be found at: